
Meadow Capital Partners
January 2024

Investment Adviser Disclosure

The purpose of this Site, meadow.es, is limited to providing you with general information on our services, expertise, and philosophy. Meadow Capital Partners SL (Meadow) does not render or offer to render personalized investment advice or investment management through this Site. Meadow and its affiliates may only transact business or render personalized investment advice or investment management services in those jurisdictions where it holds the appropriate license, is registered to do so or is otherwise excluded or exempted from registration requirements. Any analysis of or reference to potential investment strategies are for illustration purposes only. No information in this website constitutes investment, legal, tax or other advice or any recommendation to buy or sell any particular funds or any other Product (as defined below). No representation, warranty or undertaking, express or implied, is given as to the accuracy or completeness of the information or opinions contained in this website by Meadow or any of its members or employees and no liability is accepted by such persons for the accuracy or completeness of any such information or opinions.

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The material contained on this Site is for informational purposes only and Meadow is not soliciting any action based upon such material. The material is not to be constructed as an offer or a recommendation to buy or sell an interest in any partnership, fund or other product (“Product”) nor is it to be construed as investment advice or investment management. Additionally, the material accessible through this Site does not constitute a representation that any investments described herein are suitable or appropriate for any person. The information contained in this Site has been prepared without reference to any particular user’s investment requirements or financial situation. Certain transactions give rise to substantial risk and are not suitable for all investors. Prior to the execution of any transaction by you involving information you received from this Site, you should consult your business advisor, attorney and tax and accounting advisors with respect to the price, suitability, value, risk or other aspects of any interest in any Product.

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